Monday, February 7, 2022

Annual Budget 2022 - India - Environment and Climate Change


There are some really good steps that are being taken and fund allocated in this year's budget by our Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman. 

Listing down some of them :

1. Proposal to launch a Hydrogen Energy Mission in 2021-22 for generating hydrogen from green power sources.

2. Proposal to provide additional capital infusion of Rs 1,000 crores to Solar Energy Corporation of India and Rs 1,500 crores to Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency.

3. Creation of Energy Service Company (ESCO) business model to facilitate capacity building and awareness for energy audits, performance contracts, and common measurement & verification protocol.

4. An amount of Rs. 2,217 crores for 42 urban centres with a million-plus population has been set aside for tackling air pollution.

5. To reduce the carbon intensity of the country the finance minister has proposed the issuance of sovereign green bonds as a part of government’s borrowing programme. This will bring in much needed funding into the country for its public sector. Private capital will now have to increase their funding as well to meet the net zero challenge.

6. Proposal to bring a battery swapping policy.

7. Action plans for ten sectors such as electronic waste, end-of-life vehicles, used oil waste, and toxic & hazardous industrial waste.

8. 19,500 cr allocation for PLI manufacture of solar PV modules.

9.Promotion of greener public transport through special mobility zones with zero fossil fuel policy.

10.Thermal Power Plants are mandated to use 5-7% biomass pallets

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