Sunday, June 23, 2013

Websites of the Week - Startup India Special

With the recent sucess of Just Dial IPO , Webengage 10k customers and very recent successful exit of , Indian Tech startups are back on the spotlight. These successes have put the faith back in hearts of  tons of Indian Startups that there is indeed a bright light at the end of tunnel..

First, to know the best curated daily updates about Indian startups, Subscribe to  Unitechy News letter . This is curated and sent by ApruvaChaudhary of MediaNama

To know the  hottest startups in town , hop on to which funds some rockstar startups worldwide (There are around 10 Indian startups in this recent incubation)  and Morpheous is its Indian Counterpart incubator and accelerator.

If you are a 'wantreprenuer' (Yes, there is a word for people like us )  , you must take this Online Coursera course ( Startup Engineering ) being delivered by Quora superstar Balaji Vishwanathan  .

If you have already STARTed , you must see this nice slideshare deck of Indias Angel investors prepared by folks.

If you want to be a part of this Indian Startup conversations, be a part of this google group ( HeadStart Network )  . NASSCOM , India's software association, has just recently announced its 1000 startups initiative and even though the dates are ended, the learning resources on this website are great.

This Android App gives you daily updates of Indian Startups,

And finally, Quora threads for this week :
Which are the hottest startups in India? 
Which Indian technology companies are doing the most interesting projects?

Bonus:  If you are not sure when to START, where to START, how to START and most importantly WHAT to start ..Read this and this .

Just pump out your nerves with this TED talk of Elon Musk, the man who is pushing the horizons of tech and is like the Dravid of Cricket, if Steve jobs is Sachin ; Nadal of Tennis , if Steve Jobs is Federer.

PS - If you have an idea, let me know , i believe we can work  :)

Startup Connoisseur 

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