Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tech tricks, tips and Tantras - 06/01/2012

Some tech hacks which are interesting,helpful  and hopefully insightful .

1)  Whenever you are on a long journey or going to a place where there would be no cellular signals, better put the phone in Flight Mode.This will save a lot of battery. Cellphones use lot of power just to search for signals.

2)  If you have an android phone , you dont need to go to playstore in your phone and download the apps. One can browse the playstore from web interface and install it from there. I believe this is true for all appstores.

3) Skype is completely free for 1 month as trial offer. Follow this link  for signing for this and this link  for instructions. Yes, you an call US numbers for free for a month :)

4) Utorrent remote is an amazing app to monitor your utorrent downloads from anywhere .

5) If you think, your email is getting spammed a lot , just search for "unsubscribe" and unsubcribe to all those unnecessary things you might have subscribed earlier and are no mood to read all those now.

Happy Weekend !!

- Vams

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