Monday, February 2, 2009

Digital Snippets - tips, tricks and tantras !! -2

1) Many a times we face a problem of not able to delete some files especially media files after enjoying them. It requires some time to make it available to delete [:P] and sometimes even a restart. But removing the process realsched.exe solves this problem almost 90% of the times.

2) The normal procedure to go to command prompt and type some command can be shortened by one step. Instead of going to run -> type "cmd" -> and type netstat or some nbstat in the command prompt..simply we can type it in run itself "cmd /k netstat .." so that the command is given and opened in command prompt.

3) Suppose u forgot to signout a google session in some friends computer and this may pose a little discomfort to you that it might be used to play pranks, here is the solution. You can sign out all sessions from any where. You just need to login into ur account from any available system and go to google mail .
Go down to the end of the page where it displays
"Last account activity: Xyz minute ago at this IP (abc.def.rt.yz). Details"
Click on details.. You will be displayed about the recent activity of your account . And also an option to "Sign Out all sessions" . Dats it.. click it and u signed out all sessions.anywhere it may be.. :)

4) The short key to go to address bar is F6 . But doesnt work in some browsers like Opera. The remedy is Alt+D . This works for every browser. :)

5) Here's something which is quite gr8 in Indian context. Believe it or not.. You can track the Indian Railways trains from the web. and it works almost accurate.If u have to know if some train arrives late or is on time. go to and enter ur train number . It gives the times of trains arrival in the different stations of the route.

6) Many know that we cant create a folder named CON, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3,COM1 to COM9 and LPT1 to LPT9.
here is the solution to create the folder named con and other system variables.

1) go to run dialog.
2) type cmd/command (command prompt gets opened)
3) go to root directory like C:\ or D:\ etc
4) type md\\.\\c:\\con ....(here is done)
5) check the folder on the respected drive.

PS: blogging would be now on a regular basis .:) ;)

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